Our property is a long narrow rectangle that runs up an east facing hill and is just less than 1 acre in size. It has around 60 large trees (mostly cedar, maple, and Douglas fir) and when we arrived, the ground was mostly consumed with English ivy and blackberry. The plan is to design the entire property to allow for animals, food production, natural spaces, living spaces, and minimal maintenance and to do it all ourselves with hand tools. I like to keep photos of the different parts of my land to see how they change over the years. Seeing old photos of the animal pasture covered in ivy reminds me of how many areas around the yard felt undiscovered for quite a long time, but now I feel like I know every square inch like the back of my hand.
We have done a lot of work to clear ivy, blackberry, and rocks from much of our land in order to turn it into pasture for the animals.